Medieval village in High-Auvergne

The village and its soil

   Pleaux is situated on a volcanic origin tray shelter of near scythes and pastures limited by dry stone walls. The bocage is essentially vowed to the breeding of race cow Salers. It is frequent to observe there buzzards, sparrowhawks and owls.

The rural habitat has seen the quasi disappearance of thatched roofs to the profit of lauzes. Traditional barns-cowsheds have the ground level for the cattle and the storey for hay destined for their food. The access to the barn make it by one projecting part forming porch covered with a high roofing sheltering a dovecote.

An ancient bread oven

The vocation of village remains the agriculture and the breeding. Products of the breeding are the milk, the cheese (Cantal manufactured in farm or in cooperative) and the meat. Fairs and markets of countries are the opportunity to find these dairy products but also ham and all porks, tripoux, honey and sometimes forests game and rivers fishes. One finds there also conserve and fat-liver, cepes, chestnuts and the wooden fire cooking bread.

Recipe of Truffade

- "old" potatoes, 3 per person
- New tomme of Cantal, 100 g per person
- Oil, 3 tablespoons
- Lardons, salt and peper

Peel and cut some fine slice potatoes, make them return in a stove greased with a few oils and some lardons. Cover the whole without omitting to stir. After 30 minutes crush potatoes with a fork then add there tomme cut in fine slats. Salt and pepper then let cook some minute by stirring gently.


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Pleaux - High-Auvergne © 1996, 1997 by Vincent Di Sanzo
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